I am so cutting of my hair now, no more thinking, just doing. Thank you Ruby Rose for the final push haha. ;)

I feel like I need to mentally prepare myself for the hair cut...
The last time i chopped it all off I got a hole lot of comments about my sexual orientation and that I looked like a guy and so on... And back then I hadn't come out yet, not to myself or anyone else and I didn't have the same selfconfidence that I have now. So it kinda bothered me because alot of people wanted me to "confess" to being a lesbian... And I'm not.
I'm bisexual though, but that has nothing to do with the fact that sometimes I like my hair to be short.
I feel like people keep trying to put me in a box that fits their standards and their beliefs...
I'm allowed to be androgynous. I'm allowed to be confused. I'm allowed to be going through a phase. I'm allowed to be greedy. I'm allowed to be ME.

Changing subjects. :)

So I'm trying to get started with the training again to keep building muscles and hopefully getting some of my chronic pain under control. I can dream right?...
I have started to use Kinesio tape to, which helps with my hip pains and carpal tunnel. I strongly recommend this if you have pains anywhere. :)
And I finally got my smartshaker and I already love it! I really needed a new shaker haha my old one had a hole in the top. ;) Other then that i got my protein pancakes! And they are heaven. Really good.